Stillness & Silence-Patanjali yoga sutra


Sa tu dirgha kala nairantarya satkara sevito drudha bhumihi

– Patanjali Yoga Sutra -14
For a long time without a break with honor and devotion when we practice, it becomes firmly established.
Abyaasa is constant practice of something. Here we are discussing Yoga, union. Our effort is trying to align body mind and spirit. Yet at times the practice yields no results and we feel disappointed.
To avoid this one must continue without break, without any gap at all and with respect and devotion. One must honor the teacher/guru, the practice and the originator of the same, the self.
With devotion, without break when continued, the practice gets established.
What comes in our way? Usually one does not practice continuously and leaves gaps. Or expects results much sooner than due ( dirgha kala means long time ). At times one is consistent but does not feel either devotion or respect.
The above issues will create blocks on the path for one who wants to be a yogi. Also aligning the body and mind becomes difficult if one lacks devotion.
Devotion is particularly not for God or any idol. It is not religious and yet one needs to religiously practice and be consistent. Here staying devoted and honoring the master and the practice is essential.

Only over a long period of time, will it become firmly established. Patience is the first rule! Consistency follows…
It is not an easy task and yet it should all happen effortlessly with ease. The spirit works through the body. The body with its senses is able to express. So the body is a tool. Now what comes in between the tool and the spirit is the mind. With various impressions accumulated over a period of time, the mind creates obstructions.
So with pranayama, regulating the prana (life force) through the breath, some level of stillness of the mind can be achieved. Yogasanas also help to achieve the same. I would suggest, with experience to practice more of meditative yoga wherein you will be doing the same routine but with utmost ease and awareness.

Instead of treating it like an exercise, which it actually is not, we must resort to understanding the actual spectrum of yoga.
Let raising the metabolism, exercising, improving health, etc be the consequence and not the aim. The aim must be to silence the mind and attain a good level of stillness. Right now it is turbulent, it needs to be calm.

Once the mind is calm, the alignment of body mind spirit just happens…it is because it was always aligned! The turbulent mind was creating the confusion. Once still, the mind works like a mirror and the self reflects in it…the body which was always a tool to experience, then experiences the self!
So always one must keep this in mind that though yogasanas and pranayama feel like work being done with the body for the body, it is not so. The same affects the mind and it is the mind that needs to be worked on.

So using the body as a tool, make the mind still and access the spirit…

Inside my mind

I opened my eyes and saw

In the light, images I saw

Reflected on my retina

stored in deep recesses of my mind

So did I actually see what I saw?

Was what I saw outside of me?

The image was formed inside

the subject existed inside my mind

So everything I saw was not outside

It was all inside my own mind…

The mind… a graveyard…

What is this mind and why does it have so much control over us? It is nothing but a huge collection of impressions and tendencies…

When something affects us in some way, it forms an impression and stays stored in the mind. So the mind is basically a collection of the dead past. All that is happened and over is stored in it and accumulates there. Mind is that special device which has no storage limit, it has unlimited storage.

So what’s the point in collecting all the garbage or rather dead impressions or memories? Dead means that which no longer exists, its gone! So basically the mind is a graveyard. Only the old and the dead live and make home there.

De-clutter the mind, is a common term used. How do we do that? Just like we clean up our homes and wardrobes before a festival or celebration in our home, same way we can try to remove some of the clutter from our mind. Yet its almost impossible as the storage is deep and at times unreachable.

Also, whether we wish to clean the dead impressions or feel safer keeping and gathering more is the question! We are scared to go near a graveyard or a crematorium and take bath if we visit one. What is the fear about? Are the dead going to rise? Are they going to suddenly appear in flesh and blood or in any form for that matter? They won’t and they cannot. We all know this, yet we are afraid.

Just by pouring water on the body, can we rid ourselves of the negativity we feel we brought from the area where dead are buried or burnt?

Yet with so much deadly matter in our mind, we roam around confidently. If we were asked to stay silent and not speak or interact with anyone, what would happen? The first thing would be the dead would rise from our mind. All would come to life and scare us to death!

So we are scared of being alone and seek company. We are actually not afraid of being in a graveyard. We just feel so. In reality we are afraid of our mind and its contents. So we avoid looking inside and make our self believe that we have a very clean and good mind.

This is impossible because, even if the impressions stored are good memories, they are still of the past. We all know that past is dead and so all that is stored is old and dead. Good or bad does not matter. Whether you store good or bad apples, eventually all will rot. So the rotten matter in the mind is fermenting and creates waves which influence our thoughts and actions.

It really does not matter what was stored. Everything is now rotten and smelly. The mind has no clue as it’s a storage unit. It just keeps making more space and is quite generous.

The mind has to go…as de-cluttering, cleaning and maintenance will never happen. Impressions are getting stored because we have a storage unit. If we do not have a storage unit, where will we store? How will we manage without a storage device?

Do we need the mind or not? How important is the mind? Is there a mind at all??

How important is a graveyard or a crematorium? We need it to burn or bury. Eventually nothing remains…everything is destroyed on a day to day basis. Nothing is stored long term…

Mind is non-existential. We need to understand this. It does not exist. We feel it does. The device, the storage, the space and the impressions are all fictitious. Nothing is real…

The reason it exists is because we feel it does. When the sun shines, the moon no longer is visible. It may be there in the sky and yet it just becomes invisible.

The light of knowledge, light of atman should shine bright like the sun. The light of love, peace and joy when it spreads will diffuse the mind and leave nothing behind…

When there is love, peace and joy emanating from us, what impressions will be formed and what will be stored? Nothing! We no longer need a storage device. There are no impressions…

Love peace and joy are like the sun…spreading the warmth, giving life to all and yet leaving nothing behind…destroying all the negatives with its strong rays….

Slave of the mind

Why do we say we are not in the mood and when someone asks us to do something where there is no payback??

I will make the point clear. Now suppose your boss tells you to do some extra work can you just say that you are not in the mood. Whether mood or no mood don’t we finish our daily ablutions? Don’t we take our meals?

We do most of our chores whether we have the mood or not. Yet when it comes to something where we need to take an extra step we analyse our mood and mind. Our entire life we spend in doing a lot of work/duties irrespective of our moods.
Is it not time to observe our self? Is not time to check when we say ‘ I am not in a good mood’, do we still do the work awaited or requested? When do we do it and when do we not?

If the boss gets angry our job is at stake, finances are at stake. So at such times, moods do not matter. They lose their importance.

But if your child or wife asks you to take them out for shopping, your mood will suddenly become important.
What will happen if a mother says she is not in the mood to breast feed her new born baby?
When we have a choice we use our mood and decide whether to do something or not. When the worldly issues weigh heavily over us, we forget about our mood.
To meditate we need mood! To go for our daily walk, exercise, gym etc we need mood. There are hundreds of examples…

Just think how we are living our lives. Let us rise above the animal mentality and rise to become humans.

We do have an intellect and the required intelligence to understand that life is not just doing our duties and dying. There is surely something more to life…Are we even living it? Or are we just progressing towards the day when the body will be lit up on the pyre or buried?

Is this why we got this body? Are we any better than a machine or a car? There is a lot to think about and a lot of changes are necessary.

To break the conditioning and to break the bonds…to be free from the cage of the mind and fly in the open sky…

The clear blue sky…white clouds floating, the warmth of the sun, the cool breeze…is it not beckoning us?

Why then are we glued to our mind and its variations, the moods and the impressions? Where is the mind? Who is the ruler? The mind or me?

For lives and lives, ages… we have been a slave to our mind. We still are…Are we really enjoying the prison sentence so much? Is the jail comfortable and convenient and secure?

So much so that we just hold on tightly and are afraid to fly in the open sky…to disregard the moods of the mind and just take off and flap our wings to float higher…in the vast expanse of the sky…are we afraid of being lost there, of being lonely?

Work on being free minded, as this will help us help others freely. We need to be like the floating cloud that showers on all. Love and care, peace and joy is our very nature. No mood or no mind can change our basic nature.

Though the dark clouds do try to cover the sun and its light, they fail miserably. The sun shines through…bright as ever…

Mood King…the ruler!

Very easily we say we are not in the mood to do something…we use mood as an excuse. What is this mood and who invented this word?

As a child I never remember being bored or ever saying that I am not in the mood to do certain activities. Where does this mood come from and what influences the mood? Why so much importance is given to mood and how does it get to rule our life?

Mind is full of impressions and the body has its own ups and downs depending on how we are using it. The body could be overworked, diseased etc. It is like a vehicle that needs repairs on and off. The mind has no medicine and repair work is not possible.

So the mind, using the body usually as an excuse will make us feel high or low and that is what we call as mood. Good mood is when we are feeling positive and high and bad mood is when we are feeling low and dull or negative.

Is the mind alone responsible for this mood syndrome? Is the prana or the life force energy in any way connected? What we eat, how we live and many other things influence our prana and low prana means feeling dull and lethargic. Basically its like a mobile that has less charge. Yet, does it influence the mood of a person?

Mood I feel is an over rated word and is used very loosely. It is the emotional quotient of a person and so can vary throughout the day. It would probably look like the ECG graph if monitored, or like the waves in the sea.

Mood may be connected to the moon too as the moon is connected to the mind. So MOOD MIND MOON all three are in sync. All three words surprisingly start from M, are 4 lettered and mood and moon have only one single letter difference.

Just like the Moon is taking light from the sun, the Mind is taking light from the Atman. So basically their existence is just like a reflection and though they play a very important role, they are not the permanent source of anything.
Unlike the sun that is always there all through, the moon has its variations in size and shape. That is how probably it influences the mind and thereby the mood. The moon also influences the sea and so the high and low tides. This again is like our moods, high and low!

So when we feel our mood is missing or we are not in good mood, we can blame the moon! The mind which does not have a mind of its own!!

Why allow all these factors to influence life? Life is to live as I mentioned in my previous post…So why cannot we just live totally…

A highly spirited person who lives life totally is alive…the rest are dead or on the verge of death…

What it takes to be alive? Simple changes in our thought process can bring the mind in our control…

The very understanding that life is for living and living is not just taking life for granted or doing all duties and chores like a machine…a full charged battery output is what we need to maintain…

HOW? Shun the mind…do not listen to it! The variations will happen, watch them! Moon or no moon, will affect the tide in the ocean and probably try to influence our mind. Our mind is just influenced, why do we get influenced by our mind? Let the mind and moon play all the games, we can still keep the mood in our control. Nothing and nobody should be able to affect our mood…

For that we can also stop using the word mood so often. We are giving way too much importance to the mood and the mind. We are much higher and much beyond the mind. Lets explore who we are as surely we are not the mind.

There is much to do in life, much to experience and living totally should be natural…

So drop the moods, the mind and the moon…lets be the sun, bright, shiny and spread the light of love all around us…



I stared at the image and was fascinated by the expression captured. The expression on someone’s face is surely emanating out of emotions and feelings.
This was my understanding. How can an expression arise without any emotion? The person is definitely feeling some emotion and that is expressed on the face.
Like when we eat sour foods, the expression on our face changes automatically. It is a direct response.
Many a times based on what we hear or see or read, our expressions keep changing. Our face is like a mirror reflecting all that is going on in our body and mind.
Coming back to the expression of bliss I saw in the photo clicked, I wondered who felt the bliss!
Unless there is a divine experience, the expression of bliss is not possible. So basically, unless there is an experience, no expression can happen.
If there is an experience then there has got to be a mind and also a memory.
That is how we relate our experiences…as they get stored in the mind as impressions, in the brain as memory.
To a certain extent we can relate our dreams too as we have a faint memory of the same. At times if we wake up right away from a dream, the experience and the memory is distinct.
All this is possible because of the mind.
Yet when someone asked me how I could experience that level of bliss listening to a spiritual song/discourse…I had no explanation.
I had no memory of the experience. This brings us to think that if there is no one to experience then who was the one experiencing the bliss?
How was it highlighted on the face? If it was, then how come there is no memory of how it felt and how the experience is etc etc.
This thought takes us into deeper realms of truth and reality. There is nothing to explain, nothing to understand as then it becomes an exercise of the mind.
This is beyond the body, mind and intellect. Though the expression is on the physical realm, the truth is unexplainable and unexperienced by the body. Its something beyond explanation and subtler.
It takes one into deep thought and yet the thought gets dropped because, there is no memory to think of in that aspect.
This is where the separation of the body and the soul happens. Anything connected to the body, like the mind can have memory. Anything beyond, is just space…
Its neither emptiness or nothingness, its neither fullness nor wholeness…its just something that is beyond perception, beyond discussion and beyond what we feel is reality…

No mind!




Stop! said the mind

Why? asked the drop

‘Coz i am superior

Who said so?

I know so

You know not though

I do know though

You are but an illusion

Its just your imagination

A heap of impressions

The heap makes me strong

Again your illusion

I rule the senses

Is what you think so

I control the body

You really think so?

I am the mighty mind

‘coz you lost the intellect

Why do I need intellect?

to discriminate and assess

Why would I need that?

To learn and know the truth

I am the supreme ruler

There is only one supreme

That is me, I said so

Look beyond and see so

I am whole and complete

Its what you assume so

How do you know so?

A Speck of the same I am

None is superior than me

You will dissolve in your pride

Better than I admit defeat

There is no fight here

I believe its war here

if there were two to fight

There is another, other than me

It is a block, unveil the screen

Layers are my strength

no they are your weakness

I need them to live and rule

they are just a deception

I refuse to accept defeat

Just accept your deceit

What would happen then

the supreme will absolve you

why would I want that

as you need to rest a while

I already feel so light

dissolve and absolve

no sound…no words…

Dissolved completely

eternally…it became “No Mind”


मन का है यह सारा खेल
जब जीव का होता उस से मेल
संसार में करता उथल पुथल
और मन में होजाती हलचल
मन की ना बात सुनो
नाच नाचायेगा ज़रूर वो
उल्टा सीधा सारा नज़ारा
हमको बतलायेगा वो
मन पर न विश्वास करो
बाज़ी पलट पलट खेलता वो
कभी इधर कभी उधर भगाता
करदेता दिल को घायल वो
मन की शरारत देखो ना
मौज नहीं है मस्ती ना
दुःख सुख साथ ले आता वो
कभी हसी कभी रुला देता है वो
मन तो जैसे शीशा हो
कर्मों का धूल जमाकर वो
संसार की माया में हमको
फसा देता जन्मों जन्मों
मन में गहरे न उतरो
दिल की बात सुना करो
धड़कता है दिल हमारे लिए
पराया नहीं अपना है वो
मन को छोड़ पकड़ो इस दिल को
देगा जीवन मुक्ति का राह तुमको
दिल है सच्चा दोस्त तुम्हारा
जो साथ कभी ना छोडे तुम्हारा…

Mind seeks answers

If you want to meet the divine- paramatma se judna hai to samaj ko tyaag do

I want to be one with the divine…

Yet I have so many questions and so many doubts that meeting the divine seems a far away dream.

Does this mean that having questions and doubts are wrong and that it will take you away from God?

Or does it mean that one who has no doubts and no questions unites with the divinity faster?

Technically one who is un-complicated ( wherein we refer to the mind) and just accepts the divine and surrenders completely without questioning reaches faster.

It still does not mean that one should not question. One must. But having doubts means ‘no trust’ and this leads one away from God.

Questions come in the mind seeking answers.

Finally what is the answer that one is looking for? We all know there is a consciousness and we are also consciousness. When we see it as two- then questions and doubts filter in. Actually there is only one. And when there is one- where and who can you doubt?

But until we experience that there is only one, we tread on the path always feeling that there are ‘two’ -and that is fine.

Mind complicates and mind eases everything. It is all the game of the mind. The power rests with the mind until we realise that mind is and can be in our control.

Questions are when the mind is not in our control, when we are being controlled by our mind. It creates doubts, questions and confusions.

Yet the true self seeks answers and so fights with the mind to search for the answers. Here, only the light of wisdom can guide us. When the light falls and wisdom flows within, the mind slowly steps back and allows the intellect to attain the power of discrimination ( vivek).

With this vivek buddhi achieved by gyan (wisdom) one knows everything. It is like a light fitted inside permanently and darkness is destroyed.

Once the light is there the questions and doubts start disappearing and the mind clears and remains united with the self. That is when one is in a constant state of bliss.

The mind if stuck in the unreal and the temporary suffers unimaginable traumas. It gets more and more trapped creating its own web of miseries and faces immense agony.

This is when the inner self wants a respite and seeks answers. This is when generally a guide, a guru who dispels the darkness appears and banishes the darkness. Even so, the mind so caught up in the intricacies of the web of the unreal ( sansaar) fails to see the light or sees it partially and then sinks back into darkness.

When the light falls on the buddhi ( intellect) it shines with the power of discrimination and helps the mind move out of its web or trap. The light is of wisdom, of gyan. With this power of viveka we simply know, and there is no doubt.

So it is rightly said that if one wants to unite with the divine one must let go of the akal, samaj which is nothing but ahamkar or pride. It only restrains the self from progress and pulls it away…far away from divinity.

Why so many questions, doubts and confusions anyway? It is a trap set by the mind to take you away from divinity into the unreal. When the truth dawns that everything that is seen is unreal, automatically the questions disappear.

This is when one knows and understands the wonderful lines by Adi Shankaracharya:

Neither am I the mind, nor the intellect nor the ego

Mano buddhi ahamkar chitta ninaham...

Then who am I?

I am chidananda roopa shivohum shivohum….I am sat chit anand…

One with the divine…

Who am I?
It begins here. We all have the answer because we have heard it or read about it. Have we experienced it? Many of us have not. So then it is just a belief, not the truth. What one experiences is the truth.

Making the above point was to bring upfront the fact that we are all living on a list of beliefs. Every family, every cult has its own teachings. We tend to fall in line with the one we are associated to. It turns into blind belief.

“Mere Guru ne kaha to sach hi hai” “What my Guru says is the ultimate truth”

There is no denial of the above. What the Guru says is the absolute truth. But it will be truth for us when we experience it,

until then it will be what we believe in. This is a pretty good step as at least we are on the path and we are following some belief system.

When will we experience the truth that is now just something we believe in? We can write about it and speak about it and even discuss, yet the truth remains that it might not be our experience and so not the truth but a belief.

When we meet a Guru and listen to his gyaan we feel so good and so full of knowledge. Here again, we take the knowledge and not the wisdom that is being imparted. With the knowledge that we acquire we grow big (literally) spiritually. We get the feeling of knowing a lot. Believe me, we know nothing! We know nothing until it is our own experience. Rest all is just rote from the books, or the notes or the scriptures. We may have managed to understand the meaning of all that is written there and yet we are nowhere near to reality because we have yet to experience the wisdom hidden in those verses.

It might sound very crude and yet it is what we need to accept. Only then can we move on and work on our beliefs to make it the truth. How?

Following on the path of the Guru is the easiest and yet a tough one. Just do what he says…

Easiest if we do not have any counter questions and have the full samarpan bhaav (surrender). When we have doubts and questions we ask our Guru. He keeps on explaining to us and at times we understand and at times we are not clear about certain things. This creates a conflict in our minds and our progress is affected. And so it becomes tough…

Then we listen to several Saints, read books and attend spiritual seminars and follow motivational speakers on their channels. This is because somewhere we know that the actual realisation is yet to strike. Somewhere sometime it will. So we work hard.

That is just a small area of the hard work that is actually  necessary. Listening to gyaan and attending satsangs is a very small percentage of the actual work required.

Spirituality is not only about understanding gyaan or following a Guru. It is much more than that.

It is exploring the very being, the very consciousness and touching the core!

So always first begin with the sthool shareer (the body) and then think of the core. What we are doing now is directly trying to access the core. It is not going to happen!

So start work on your body. Start with yog asana and pranayam. Understand the two and go to the depth of it. Work on it and practice it. Now that the body is active and agile we can focus on the inner self. The breath is where we need to focus on. The right technique of breathing will lead us to understanding the prana shareera.

Now that we have regulated the body and the breath and are quite healthy our mind can focus on listening to gyaan. For example, can you  imagine a person having knee pain, headache, indigestion or any other illness/discomfort, trying to focus on the gyaan? It is not possible. So outer and inner cleansing of the body is necessary.

Next is the cluttered mind. The Guru is distributing the nectar of wisdom and we are sitting in front of him wanting to collect the entire pot of wisdom. Yet we carry with us a pot full of clutter and try to fit in the nectar somewhere. Where is the space available?

So a mind free of worries will always gather more wisdom. If we are living in this world, we will have innumerable issues to face . So worries have become part of us. Here we need to remember that it is not a part of us and we need to keep it away from us. We still need to face it, but without being attached to it. This way the external issues will no longer worry us.

We worry about small things and small issues. Why not worry about the fact that “Am I working hard enough to experience the self in this life? Am I on the path or just feel that I am on it?”

Questions on the self will lead us towards the answers. External issues will come, there will be answers and we will scrape though it. Yet we get stuck to those as they give us the pleasure of achievement once we have solved it.

Another major reason why we are put off the spiritual path and pulled towards the unreal, the illusion is the search for people who are actually on the path and living it and not being able to find such people. We look around and find that we are on a path because someone led us there and now when we look at that someone we see that the person has not progressed much. This is a major put off.

Another one is where we hear that the sansaar is mithya and that we must not delve much into it and walk on the spiritual path. How is that remotely possible?

Sansaar is mithya (unreal) and that is true. Yet unless we experience it, how can we blindly believe in it? For us, now it is as true as this body we adorn. Also the advice of leaving the sansaar – whats there in it? Everything is there in being spiritual.

But how can we experience this spiritual self/ being without this body? Just shows how important the body is. Similarly when we, with this body  live in this sansaar we can achieve whatever we have come here to achieve.

So all that is around us is false. Yet we need this falsified sansaar, this body and many other things for us to walk on the spiritual path and attain wisdom . So we cant  just shrug it off! Its the tool we need to attain self realisation. The whole point in this is that we must be aware that we must not get attached to all that is false and must strive to experience paramatma.

This is where the major obstacle comes. We all are attached to certain things, people, position in society and so on. Here we need to keep our eyes open that all that we are getting attached to ( including our own body) is something that is not going to last forever. It is going to end and so its temporary. Also we need to remember that the journey to reach the self requires the temporary ( body, the world, people ).

One can say that I have left sansaar and sit on a mountain. Still he is in this sansaar. Is the space, the  mountains, the greenery around him not sansaar? Who said sansaar is just the relationships we have? Sansaar is the entire world around us.

Sansaar is what each individual mind has created just the way it has created this body. And the self needs both the creations as well as the mind that has created it in order to attain self realisation.

Also when we speak about Mukti let us remember that “ we are mukt- we are free” – It is just that we are not aware of it. The day we become aware of it everything around us falls in place.

It is just so easy and simple. Nothing is mine, even this body is not mine as its all going to be destroyed. All that is around me is my own creation. One day it will all vanish. I will be left in my true form – one with the paramatma.

I would have then reached the point where there would be no more punarapi jananam punarapi maranam…

I would have reached the eternal state- where the mind would have culminated into the self to  become one with the divine…