I witness…

 Sparkling lights in the dark
Crackling in the silent hour
Silver or gold maybe white
They were all so bright
I stared unblinking so amazed
At every sparkle I gazed
Devoid of hues intrinsic clues
But yet I felt I saw some blues
A li’l stunned I watched each phase
Colours flew in a sparkling haze
A spectacular sight it bewildered my eye
A smile it brought though I felt a li’l wry
I closed my eyes to banish it so
I thought it would all just go
A purple glow is what I saw
A lamp within is what I saw
With my eyes shut so tight
How could I see something so bright?
A shiver passed through as I felt a fear
A purple gleam I held it near
Was this my imagination?
Or was it an invitation
To explore and tread
Something I had never read
Was it a path inherent in me?
To glance within and to see
The laughter the sparkle
The chime and the crackle
With open eyes I could witness
A purple hue with golden harness
Elated I was, that was the prophecy
Remembrance I felt of the supremacy

The Haze






clicked at: Art of living ashram Bangalore

Where was I in this haze
Grey and blue like a maze
Streaks of orange and red
In a trance I was led
image courtesy: Anjali Sansare
Was it inside or outside
the haze now spread from all sides
Yet I saw a light so bright
In the twilight I saw light
Amidst the haze and color
In complete awestruck wonder
Even as it shook my demeanor
I knew then I had to surrender
The light attractive and bright
Was there, yet so far from sight
Lost I was I felt great plight
In this essence I sought delight
Was I a part of it
Or was it a part of me
That close it was
Now no longer sure
Was it all inside
or was it all outside
Where was this in entirety
In my mind or was it a dream?
Not yet sure where I was
Was the haze within me?
Where then was the light so bright?
I then knew…it was me…
I saw the infinite light
trapped in a haze of illusion
even as the haze moved aside
the colors no longer bright
All I could see with delight
Was a plain white light
Deep within with delight
joy and surrender felt so light