When Oh When?



In my previous post I mentioned about the ever so smiling cab driver and how a diamond is hidden in the guise of a cab driver. How many more such diamonds are scattered all over?

This question kept on popping in my mind at intervals. surely there were many more. If it was all a play of the divine then why had the divine hidden these precious stones in different places. Why were they not seen to their full potential?

The world is a stage and the drama of life is going on with all different actors. All actors are supposed to know they are acting and backstage they are back to being themselves. Ins’t that how it is supposed to work? Is it how its working? All are caught up in their roles and have forgotten to shed the make-up. The director is saying ‘cut’ and its going unheard…

The true scholars and brilliant individuals are hidden away in this drama. They are happy and stay away from the limelight. What is the need of the hour? Is it not time for these hidden talents to surface and take control of the play and the stage?

Or will it go on the way it is now? Is this the reason why this is called Kalyuga? Are people supposed to become blind to truth and reality and get caught up in the false glaze and shine?

What about these diamonds then? Is their life just going to pass without they being of service to these blind people? When they are the ones to show the light to the ones in darkness, why are they hidden?

Oh divine! Is it not time? Is it not necessary to wake up the ones who are asleep? To bring light in the life of the blind and to bring knowledge to the ignorant.

The artificial lights, sound, and glamour is destroying the existing human life and soon all will be taking birth as some lower species.

Will most of the human race be destroyed? The reason why we evolved into humans was to understand the self and continue with raising our consciousness levels…

When will the diamonds sparkle enough for all to see? When will the light shine so bright that even the blind can see? when will the knowledge be so clear and direct that even the ignorant can perceive…

When…oh when?